self care

Is Dry brushing good for your skin and health?

by Minx life

Scan almost any spa menu, and you'll likely find an offering that mentions dry brushing. The practice-which involves scrubbing down your dry skin with a scratchy brush-sounds far from pampering, if not a bit austere. But spa pros and enthusiasts alike swear by it and sing its praises for supposedly doing everything from exfoliating to reducing cellulite. Sounds a bit too good to be true, so here are the facts.

The exfoliation part is easy to understand. "Gentle dry brushing will slough off dead, dry skin, improving its appearance and allowing it to hydrate more efficiently when moisturizer is applied afterward.

As for detoxifying, dry brushing is similar to massage. "The light pressure against your skin and the direction in which you brush helps move lymph fluid into the lymph nodes so this waste can then be eliminated. Your body naturally does this, but dry brushing speeds up the process and at the same time boosts circulation, delivering oxygenated blood to the skin and other organs, which help do their job better.

Because dry brushing helps eliminate toxins, many pros claim it can smooth those unsightly lumps and bumps for good. This procedure helps remove "stagnant toxins" that break down connective tissue, leading to cellulite.

But there's no conclusive scientific evidence that dry brushing can permanently reduce cottage cheese thighs, which are caused by a combination of fat and connective tissue. It's believed that the reduction is more of a temporary skin plumping and swelling. Bottom line, Temporary or not, we'll take fewer derriere dimples any day.

First you need a proper brush, which you can purchase at most health food stores. Look for bristles-typically cactus-or vegetable-derived-or else the process won't work. A long handle is also handy to help you access hard to reach areas such as your back.

Because dry brushing energizes and stimulates the body, most pros suggest doing it in the morning before your shower, but you can do it any time of the day you prefer.. Using long , upward strokes, start brushing your skin at your feet and work your way up your legs one at a time. Then move up your mid-section(front and back) and across your chest. Finish by brushing up your arms toward your armpits.

Now it's shower time, with an added bonus : "You've just opened your pores, so any of your body treatments you apply in the shower and afterward will penetrate better.

Your skin should feel softer and smoother after just one session. Some people even say that the detox and circulatory boost helps with digestive issues and skin problems such as acne; others claim to feel more energized, most likely a result of the increased blood flow.

Give a try!